Hola de nuevo. Hoy he retomado
los trabajos sobre mi futuro espejo. Desde la entrada anterior han ocurrido
muchas cosas por las que no he reiniciado antes este trabajo de construcción
del telescopio: sobre todo mucho trabajo profesional y pocas ganas de llegar a
casa y ponerme a trabajar en el espejo; y los fines de semana…en fin….sin
comentarios ;)-
Además de esto he tenido
actividades nuevas como acudir un taller de astronomía centrado en el uso del
astrolabio, un taller dedicado a los relojes de sol y he indagado un poco en el
pasado del bueno de mi abuelo para intentar conseguir una copia de la hoja de
servicio durante su campaña obligada en la fatídica contienda de la Guerra Civil
Española. Muchas horas de hemerotecas, lectura sobre la contienda para tener más
información sobre ella, consultas a los archivo militares, y un sinfín de cosas
De todo esto he aprendido a manejar
un astrolabio, he construido un prototipo de heliocronómetro (reloj analemático
ecuatorial de gnomon móvil compensado) y de mi abuelo un montón de papeles, que
a pesar de no ser exactamente lo que buscaba, me han aportado datos personales
interesantes de alguno de mis antepasados. Para poder tener posibilidades de acceso
al expediente militar es imprescindible conocer la unidad de combate: batallón,
regimiento, compañía o lo que proceda.
Mi intención con el expediente es
la de escribir un breve resumen de las posibles localizaciones en las que pudo
estar a lo largo de la geografía española durante la contienda, pero averiguar
en qué unidad sirvió es ahora prácticamente imposible; tengo ciertas
intuiciones sobre un par de Divisiones, pero eso no sirve para nada.
En definitiva, no es tiempo
perdido sino que me he estado enriqueciendo (culturalmente) desde diversos
puntos de vista.
Hoy sin embargo y desde hace unos
días, debido a ciertos cambios personales, me encuentro con bastante tiempo
libre y en un estado de relajación ciertamente agradable por lo que he decidido
afrontar de nuevo los trabajos de tallado de mi futuro espejo.
Lo que más me está atrasando los
trabajos es ese borde del espejo que no forma parte del casquete de esfera. Si
procedo a dejarlo así habré perdido una zona importante de la superficie total,
y no tendré un espejo de 200 mm de diámetro, sino quizás un espejo de 150 mm
cuando mi objetivo es intentar conseguir una superficie parabolizada que se
aproxime bastante a 200 mm de diámetro.
En alguna de las entradas anteriores
de este blog se me ha indicado como solución que debía proceder con carreras
centradas cortas MOT y otras ocasiones se me han comentado carreras cortas TOT.
Hoy he estado probando en
sesiones de 10 minutos y tras cada sesión he realizado pruebas con el test de
Foucault para evaluar los resultados y la tendencia.
He procedido con carreras MUY
LARGAS del tipo MOT (mirror on top) y el resultado ha sido fantástico, el borde va
progresivamente desplazándose al exterior del espejo, por lo que el casquete de
esfera va siendo cada vez más grande.
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Ahora mismo es bastante más
pequeño que cuando comencé a pulir hoy. Las sesiones de hoy han sumado un
tiempo total de 1,5 horas; mañana continuaré con los mismos movimientos MOT y
carreras largas con la esperanza de que el casquete de esfera crezca más.
Después ya podré pasar a la delicada
fase de parabolizado, etc…. y a ver si de una vez por todas logro un avance
importante en este proyecto!
Besides this I have had new activities such as going a workshop of astronomy focused on the use of the astrolabe, a workshop dedicated to sundials and I have researched a bit on the last of my good grandfather to try to get a copy of the sheet forced into service during the fateful battle of the Spanish Civil War campaign. Many hours of newspaper archives, reading about the race to have more information on it, queries the military file, and a host of other things. ...
From all this I have learned to manage an astrolabe, I built a prototype heliocronómetro (equatorial analemmatic clock offset Mobile gnomon) and my grandfather a lot of paperwork, which although not exactly what I wanted, I have provided personal data interesting of any of my ancestors.
In order to be able to accede to the military record is essential to know the combat unit: battalion, regiment, company, or as appropriate. My intention with the record is to write a brief summary of possible locations which could be along the Spanish geography during the war, but find out what unit he served is now virtually impossible; have certain intuitions about a couple of divisions, but that is useless. Ultimately, it is not lost time but I've been enriching (culturally) from various viewpoints.
Today however, and for some days due to some personal changes, I find myself with enough free time and in a relaxed state certainly nice from what I've decided to tackle new work carved mirror my future. What I do is more work delaying the edge of the mirror is not part of the cap area.
If I proceed to leave and I will have lost a significant part of the total area, and not have a mirror of 200 mm in diameter, but perhaps a mirror of 150 mm when my goal is to try to get a parabolizada surface that closely approximates 200 mm diameter. In some of the previous entries in this blog as I have been instructed that he should proceed with solution-focused short races MOT and other occasions I have commented sprints TOT.
Today I've been testing sessions of 10 minutes after each session I tested with the Foucault test to evaluate the results and trends. I have proceeded to race VERY LONG MOT (mirror on top) and the result has been fantastic, the edge is gradually moving to the outside of the mirror, so the spherical cap becomes increasingly larger.
Now it is much smaller than when I started grinding today. Today's sessions have totaled 1.5 hours; I will continue tomorrow with the same movements MOT and long runs in the hope that the cap area grow. After that I can move on to the delicate phase of parboiled, ... etc. and see if once and for all achieve a breakthrough in this project!
Hello again. Today I resumed work on my future mirror. From the previous post a lot has happened for which I have not restarted before this work of construction of the telescope: mostly very professional job and no desire to get home and get to work in the mirror; and weekends ... well ... without comment;) -Besides this I have had new activities such as going a workshop of astronomy focused on the use of the astrolabe, a workshop dedicated to sundials and I have researched a bit on the last of my good grandfather to try to get a copy of the sheet forced into service during the fateful battle of the Spanish Civil War campaign. Many hours of newspaper archives, reading about the race to have more information on it, queries the military file, and a host of other things. ...
From all this I have learned to manage an astrolabe, I built a prototype heliocronómetro (equatorial analemmatic clock offset Mobile gnomon) and my grandfather a lot of paperwork, which although not exactly what I wanted, I have provided personal data interesting of any of my ancestors.
In order to be able to accede to the military record is essential to know the combat unit: battalion, regiment, company, or as appropriate. My intention with the record is to write a brief summary of possible locations which could be along the Spanish geography during the war, but find out what unit he served is now virtually impossible; have certain intuitions about a couple of divisions, but that is useless. Ultimately, it is not lost time but I've been enriching (culturally) from various viewpoints.
Today however, and for some days due to some personal changes, I find myself with enough free time and in a relaxed state certainly nice from what I've decided to tackle new work carved mirror my future. What I do is more work delaying the edge of the mirror is not part of the cap area.
If I proceed to leave and I will have lost a significant part of the total area, and not have a mirror of 200 mm in diameter, but perhaps a mirror of 150 mm when my goal is to try to get a parabolizada surface that closely approximates 200 mm diameter. In some of the previous entries in this blog as I have been instructed that he should proceed with solution-focused short races MOT and other occasions I have commented sprints TOT.
Today I've been testing sessions of 10 minutes after each session I tested with the Foucault test to evaluate the results and trends. I have proceeded to race VERY LONG MOT (mirror on top) and the result has been fantastic, the edge is gradually moving to the outside of the mirror, so the spherical cap becomes increasingly larger.
Now it is much smaller than when I started grinding today. Today's sessions have totaled 1.5 hours; I will continue tomorrow with the same movements MOT and long runs in the hope that the cap area grow. After that I can move on to the delicate phase of parboiled, ... etc. and see if once and for all achieve a breakthrough in this project!
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